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Whether you are someone who attends Nullcon Conference often or maybe someone who has merely attended it once, it is crucial for us to say that “We’ve learned from all your feedback.”

The strongest contribution to Nullcon’s growth has always been receiving active feedback from the InfoSec community— making it one of Asia’s largest conferences. Be it positive or negative, it provides Nullcon a chance to reflect on its success and contribute back to the community.

Here Are The Top 5 Reasons Why We Encourage Our Audience To Provide Us With Active Feedback:

  • Individual Opinions Matter: We believe each individual has a unique opinion, idea, or perception about Nullcon, making it difficult to say ‘one size fits all.’ Therefore, it is crucial for each and everyone to take 2 to 3 minutes to evaluate the experience they had at the conference and provide honest feedback.
  • Helps Us Understand You: Feedback establishes two-way communication that connects Nullcon to its user needs as they evolve personally and in their careers. It helps us understand what services we can provide to guide the community to achieve its best. For instance, our ‘Resume & Career Clinic’ sessions are designed for InfoSec freshers and professionals where our experienced mentors share their expertise based on individual struggle points.
  • Decision Maker: The feedback platform lets the community decide what they want for themselves. For instance, in the ‘Free For Comments’ section, one can let us know the specific category of talk (malware, IoT, cloud, etc.) they would like to learn more about. Participants are also free to suggest names of speakers, panelists, or companies they would like to interact with at the conference and we would be more than happy to invite them.
  • Quality Experience: Our participants are a part of Nullcon. Positive feedback and appreciation let us know that we are progressing on the right path. Similarly, providing feedback on what needs to be improved creates a clear picture for us to focus on what would benefit the community as well as enhance participants’ experience.
  • Avoid Misleading Feedback: We understand that our participants’ time is extremely valuable and hence we have kept our feedback short and to the point. However, reading the questions and answering them correctly will make one’s feedback count rather than filling it blindly leading to inconsequential analysis.

Lastly, it goes without saying, our ears are open for you all. In case, if there is anything beyond feedback that needs to be shared with the Nullcon Team feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].